Privacy Policy

Descriptive page of the Privacy policy applied by damatomacchine on the processing of personal data


Dm Italia S.r.l, the company that holds the Damatomacchine® brand, is constantly committed to protecting the privacy of its customers.
Through this document it is possible to know in detail how DM Italia S.r.l. treats its clients' personnel.
The information and data provided or acquired by customers by registering on the site, sending communications via various forms present on the website, or sending emails or telephone or verbal communication are subject to data processing in full compliance the provisions concerning the General Data Protection Regulation (EU / 2016/679) and the confidentiality obligations deriving from it.
According to the rules of this Regulation, the processing of such personal data by Dm Italia S.r.l. will be based on the principles of lawfulness, fairness, transparency, integrity and confidentiality.


  1. Owner of the data processing and Data Protection Officer
  2. Personal data subject to processing
    1. Navigation data
    2. Data provided voluntarily by the interested party
    3. Essential data to make the purchase
    4. Data processed by interaction with social networks
  3. Rights of interested parties
  4. Processing methods
  5. Nature of personal data processing
  6. Reciver of Personal Data
  7. Right to Modify or Delete Data

Owner of the data processing and Data Protection Officer

The Data Controller is directly Dm Italia S.r.l. The structure of the Data Controller is equipped with a data protection officer (Data Protection Officer or "DPO"). The DPO is available for any information concerning the processing of personal data of the company's customers, including the list of data processors.

Personal data subject to processing

Processing of personal data means any operation performed with or without the aid of automated processes applied to personal data or data sets such as collection, registration, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation, modification , the extraction, the consultation, the use, the communication, the diffusion, the comparison, the limitation in the use, the cancellation and the destruction.
The Personal Data that are processed through this website are the following:

  1. Navigation data

    This website has cookies that allow you to acquire, during their normal operation, some Personal Data whose transmission is implicit in the use of Internet communication protocols. This information is not collected to be associated with the interested parties but is used only to obtain anonymous statistical information on the use of the Site and to check its correct functioning, to identify anomalies.
    The data could be used to ascertain responsibility in case of hypothetical computer crimes against the site

  2. Data provided voluntarily by the interested party

    In the site registration operation (for example for the request of product catalogs) or during the information request operation (by filling in forms from the site), the navigator provides the company of his own free will with his personal data accepting implies the Consent to the processing of data for Marketing purposes by Dm Italia S.r.l.
    These data are used by Dm Italia S.r.l. to carry out marketing, commercial information and promotional activities, also based on profiling, including the sending of newsletters, printed advertising material and also through messaging applications.
    However, these data are not passed on to third parties but are kept with Dm Italia S.r.l.

  3. Essential data to make the purchase

    When purchasing from Dm Italia S.r.l directly through the website or through a telephone operator or at the site, the customer must provide the Company with their Personal Data by implicitly accepting the Consent to the processing of data for "Purchase" purposes.
    In the direct purchase through the ecommerce cart present on the Dm Italia S.r.l. will use the data that the customer will provide directly to Paypal during the payment phase. These data, which are essential to carry out the sale, are not used in any way by Dm Italia S.r.l. to carry out marketing, commercial information or promotional activities without first having the client's consent. If the customer does not give his consent to the use of the data for marketing purposes, his personal data will be processed by Dm Itali S.r.l. with the sole purpose of concluding the sale, thus allowing to carry out the operations of delivery of the goods, invoicing, post-sales assistance
    These data are not passed on to third parties and are stored with the wall-mounted privacy document of Dm Italia S.r.l.

  4. Data processed by interaction with social networks

    Dm Italia S.r.l. treats, always and only for marketing purposes, the data of the users registered on the company pages present on the social networks in which it is present: Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, Gooogle Plus.
    These users reserve the right to propose advertisements, special eco-friendly promotions, and preview news. Even the data of these users are not in any way disclosed or transferred to third parties but are kept with the maximum confidentiality

Rights of interested parties

The subjects to which the personal data collected by Dm Italia S.r.l. have the right at any time to obtain confirmation of the existence of the same data and to know its content and origin, verify its accuracy or request its integration or updating, or rectification (article 7 of the Code concerning the protection of personal data).
According to the same article, one has the right to request cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data processed in violation of the law, as well as to oppose in any case, for legitimate reasons, to their processing.
Requests should be send:

  1. By email, to:
  2. By ordinary mail by writing to: Dm Italia S.r.l. Via Tevere 27, 21057 Olgiate Olona (VA) - Italy

Processing methods

The personal data of customers are processed with automated IT tools for the time strictly necessary to achieve the purposes for which they were collected (Marketing purposes described in point 2). Specific security measures are observed to prevent the loss of data, illicit or incorrect use and unauthorized access.

Nature of personal data processing

The provision of Personal Data by the customer to Dm Italia Srl may be for marketing activities (optional) or for purchase purposes (failure to provide this purpose will make it impossible for the customer to complete the purchase).
The processing of data carried out for marketing purposes is entirely optional and does not in any way prejudice the purchase of material or services provided by Dm Italia S.r.l.
If the customer wishes to object to the processing of data for marketing purposes, even after expressing consent to the processing, he may at any time do so by contacting our customer care by telephone or by sending an email or again via the link to send e-mail from site.
It should be noted that if the data controller uses, for the purpose of direct sale of his products or services, the e-mail coordinates provided by the person concerned in the context of the sale of a product or service, he may not request the consent of the interested party , provided they are services similar to those of the sale and the person concerned is adequately informed, does not refuse such use, initially or during subsequent communications.

Reciver of Personal Data

The personal data of the customers are shared for the sole purpose of carrying out functions of consent, guarantee, technical assistance and marketing. The subjects with whom Dm Italia S.r.l. shares the personal data of the clients are freelancers, companies or professional firms that provide assistance and consulting to Dm Italia S.r.l. in accounting, IT, administrative, legal matters, subjects with whom it is necessary to interact in order to provide delivery services or subjects delegated to carry out technical maintenance activities. In addition to these, Dm Italia can be considered as a fact in terms of legal obligations or orders of the authorities;

Right to Modify or Delete Data

The owner of the personal data can at any time exercise the right to oblivion as per article 17 of the GDPR.
This right allows the data holder to request the total or partial cancellation of his data from the customer database of Dm Italia S.r.l. In order to exercise this right, the customer can disclose one of the following communication methods:

  1. Through telephone communication by calling the company directly: On this page you can find all the telephone numbers
  2. By email writing to:
  3. Through the communication form on the site at this page



You can contact Dm Italia S.r.l. to the following addresses

TEL: +39 0331 333422
Email :
Email dal sito


Write us from our site

write to damatomacchine from the internet site

Write us directly from our website: your request will reach the competent staff as soon as possible

Call us

If you need commercial, administrative or technical assistance, you can contact us directly by phone Use the following button to go to the site page which shows all our telephone numbers

Information on the use of cookies

Read the information on the use of cookies by damatomacchine and choose whether to enable them or not to disable them
